Lawn Care


Chem Free Pest & Lawn

Green Philosophy

If you're reading this, you're probably aware that we like to do things a bit differently at Chem-free Organic Pest and Lawn Services. Since 1990, we've been the Austin areas leading provider of totally natural, low-impact pest control solutions. 

Our Green Philosophy

Our green philosophy is simple: execute the most effective, longest-lasting pest control program possible without jeopardizing the health and well-being of our customers, their kids, their pets or the natural environment in which they live. We're proud to do our part to leave Austin area in even better shape than we found it - and to afford future generations the same opportunities to experience the natural world that ours currently has.

Following the Tenets of Integrated Pest Management

Our green philosophy revolves around the concept of Integrated Pest Management (IPM), a holistic approach to pest control that balances our duty to remove unwanted pests from our clients' properties and our imperative to reduce our environmental impact. IPM's basic tenets include:

  • Using "least-toxic" controls
  • Modifying insect or animal habitats and removing breeding sources
  • Carefully monitoring existing pest populations

Walking the Walk

At Chem-free, we strive to lead by example. Since just about every company in our eco-friendly neck of the woods now claims to be "sustainable" and "environmentally conscious," consumers have become adept at figuring out who's genuine and who's blowing smoke. That's why we're proud to carry Green Pro & Quality Pro certification, an eco-friendly distinction awarded to less than 1% of pest control companies in the United States. If you're talking to anyone about eco-conscious pest control or lawn services, ask them if they're Green Pro or Quality Pro certified.


9475 E. Hwy 290
Austin, TX 78724


  • Pest Control
  • Lawn Care

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