Member Application

New Member Application

Company Information
Address Line 1:
Address Line 2:
Phone 1:
Phone 2:
Bus. Category 1:
Bus. Category 2:
Bus. Category 3:
Full-time Employees:
Part-time Employees:
Business Description:
Character Limit: 0/500
Create Member Account Login
Your member account allows you to update your information online via a secure login.
Admin E-mail:
Verify Password:
Primary Contact
First Name:
Last Name:
Familiar Name:
Create Login
Your member login allows you to update your information online and register for events.
Verfiy Password:
Billing Contact
Additional Representative
Additional Representative
Additional Information
Who can we thank for referring you? (first and last name please).
Membership Investment Structure
# Employees
Annual Dues
  • Corporate Table of Ten at Major Chamber Events
  • Logo Link on Home Page of Chamber Website
  • Chamber Golf Classic Foursome and Clay Shoot Team
  • Prestigious Listing on Investor Banner
  • Prominent listing in all printed event publications
  • One Leadership FM Registration Fee
  • 2 Tickets to annual Awards Banquet
  • Monthly Luncheon Pass for 1 with Premier Seating
  • Annual Leads Admission Pass
  • 1 Boosted Facebook Post on Chamber Page
  • 1 E-Blast to Chamber annually
  • 1 E-Blast to Chamber members annually
  • Use of Chamber Logo for Business Website or Ads
  • Scrolling logo on lobby and luncheon powerpoint
  • One set of mailing labels of members annually
  • Logo on Website listing
  • Link on Major Investor page of Chamber Website
  • Major investor Listing in Website Directory
  • Chamber Golf Classic Foursome or Clay Shoot Team
  • Prestigious Listing on Investor Banner
  • Prominent listing in all printed event publications
  • One Leadership FM Registration Fee
  • 2 Tickets to annual Awards Luncheon
  • Monthly Luncheon Pass for 1 with Premier Seating
  • Annual Leads Admission Pass
  • 1 Boosted Facebook Post on Chamber Page
  • 1 E-Blast to Chamber annually
  • 1 E-Blast to Chamber members annually
  • Use of Chamber Logo for Business Website or Ads
  • Scrolling logo on lobby and luncheon powerpoint
  • One set of mailing labels of members annually
  • Logo on Website listing
  • Link on Major Investor page of Chamber Website
  • Major investor Listing in Website Directory
  • One Leadership FM Registration Fee
  • 2 Tickets to annual Awards Luncheon
  • Monthly Luncheon Pass for 1 with Premier Seating
  • Annual Leads Admission Pass
  • 1 Boosted Facebook Post on Chamber Page
  • 1 E-Blast to Chamber members annually
  • Use of Chamber Logo for Business Website or Ads
  • Scrolling logo on lobby and luncheon powerpoint
  • One set of mailing labels of members annually
  • Logo on Website listing
  • Link on Major Investor page of Chamber Website
  • Major investor Listing in Website Directory
  • Listed in all Chamber Event Publications
  • Listed on MI Banner at All Major Chamber Events
  • 2 Tickets to annual Awards Luncheon
  • Monthly Luncheon Pass for 1 with Premier Seating
  • Annual Leads Admission Pass
  • 1 Boosted Facebook Post on Chamber Page
  • 1 E-Blast to Chamber members annually
  • Use of Chamber Logo for Business Website or Ads
  • Scrolling logo on lobby and luncheon powerpoint
  • One set of mailing labels of members annually
  • Logo on Website listing
  • Link on Major Investor page of Chamber Website
  • Major investor Listing in Website Directory
  • Listed in all Chamber Event Publications
  • Listed on MI Banner at All Major Chamber Events
  • 1 E-Blast to Chamber members annually
  • Use of Chamber Logo for Business Website or Ads
  • Scrolling logo on lobby and luncheon powerpoint
  • One set of mailing labels of members annually
  • Logo on Website listing
  • Link on Major Investor page of Chamber Website
  • Major investor Listing in Website Directory
  • Listed in all Chamber Event Publications
  • Listed on MI Banner at All Major Chamber Events
  • Logo on Website Listing
  • Link on Major Investor Page of Chamber Website
  • Major Investor Listing on Website Directory
  • Listed in all Chamber Event Publications
  • Listed on MI Banner at All Major Chamber Events
Application Fee:
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