Imagine the Possibilities

Business Directory

Share your member’s information, including links to their website, email, and social media accounts, map of their location, business logo or images and more, across the globe through the Online Business Directory in your website.

Calendar of Events

Register and pay for events online and make your website a community hub using Online Calendar of Events to which anyone can submit their own events online. Information from online registrations is automatically added to your CC-Assist database.

Member Account

Give your members and reps access to their Online Member Account to view and update their information, pay open invoices, and submit jobs, news, or promotions to your website. All updates and payments are automatically added to your CC-Assist database.

Membership Application

Grow your chamber’s membership by making it easy to join your chamber online through a customizable Online Member Application in your website. Any new member who applies online is automatically added to your CC-Assist database.

Member Promotions

Increase your members’ sales and visibility by promoting their deals and discounts through Online Member Promotions in your website to which members can submit their own promotions online.

Job Openings

Boost employment in your area and help your members fill job openings with the right candidates by advertising job availability through an Online Job Search in your website to which members can submit their own jobs online.

News Lisitngs

Keep your members and community connected by sharing news articles about local businesses or the community to the Online News Center in your website to which anyone can submit their own news online.

Request Information

Provide your members with detailed sales leads by referring them in response to online inquiries submitted through the Request Information form in your website.
Seamless Data Integration
Seamlessly integrate the information in your CC-Assist database into your chamber’s website using a suite of Online Web pages. Each of the Online Web pages are mobile responsive and Search Engine Optimized, giving you and your members greater online visibility.