Business Directory

City of Greenfield
7325 W Forest Home Ave
Greenfield, WI 53220
Greenfield has grown in population since 1839, but has been reduced in land size. We are one-third our original land size, but our population has increased 800%. Today the city encompasses 11.7 square miles, with boundaries so irregular that it is difficult at times to define exactly where we are located. As of 2022, the population is 37,117. Greenfield now has two fire stations, an active Community Center, a popular library and Sunday Farmers Market as well as a brand new public trail. We have five aldermanic districts and a full-time mayor. Our boundaries include three school districts: Greenfield, West Allis/West Milwaukee, and Whitnall; fourteen city parks and five county parks. Greenfield is proud to be the Home of the Knockout Rose.  
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Greater Greenfield Community Chamber

Mailing Address

PO Box 20591 Greenfield WI 53220

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