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Debra Gwin
Executive Director
A Northlander and longtime public servant in the Clay County Public Administrator’s office, I dedicated my career to protecting and advocating for those who cannot advocate for themselves. I join the Senior Fund from Arcare, Inc. a Kansas-based nonprofit, where I served as a court-appointed guardian or conservator for Kansas residents. A board member and past president of the Missouri Association of Public Administrators, my contributions were recognized in 2015 with the Public Administrator of the Year Award given by that organization.

Beyond my work with the Public Administrators Association, I have been active in a number of other organizations and community groups, including the Northland Professionals on Aging and the Northland Community Services Coalition, where I was a board member. I am a past board member of the Missouri Association of Counties and I am a Certified Guardian by the National Center for Guardianship Certification. I have been a member of the National Guardianship Association since 2004. I was recognized in 2013 with the National Certified Guardian Excellence Award and in 2016 received the Fred Kretz Cornerstone Award given by the Center for Guardianship Certification.


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