Tutoring & Learning Centers


Parlons French

Parlons French


French language tutoring in Birmingham, MI, 100% tailored to your needs. From beginners to very advanced learners, I accommodate everyone's learning skills. I can provide business French, everyday conversation, or get you ready for your next trip to Paris... My comprehensive French tutoring services are designed to help you improve your language skills effectively. I will help you define your goals and make sure you attain them...and beyond

1067 Emmons Ave
Birmingham, MI 48009


  • Tutoring & Learning Centers
  • Education / Classes


Tutor Doctor

Tutor Doctor


Tutor Doctor is a one-to-one tutor model where the students get 100% of the instructor’s attention. Each student is unique and therefore so are their tutoring plans. We do not believe in "one size fits all’ approach, but customization and creativity to enhance the individual’s learning path. It all starts with a free family consultation where we learn about the student and their educational challenges. We then hand-match our tutors to the students. We serve all ages in all subjects, from specific subject instruction to the ‘what’s hot’ sessions and everything in between. If SAT or ACT test prep is in your future, let is show you our multi-level dynamic test prep program only available at Tutor Doctor.



  • Tutoring & Learning Centers
  • Schools: Public & Private

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