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Steal My Marketing "Insider Tip" ??? ?
Ridgeland, MS
10/21/2021 10:27 AM

Over the past several weeks, we've been discussing the fundamentals of marketing...

  • have something good to say
  • say it well
  • say it often

Recently, we've been discussing the second fundamental... say it well.

I stressed how important it is that you know and understand how to use the "Conversion Equation," and last week we stressed the importance of understanding the Buyer's Journey.

Click here to review the Buyer's Journey.

I want to wrap up fundamental #2 by going back to the Conversion Equation and showing you an "insider tip" that will make you a pro at using it for your business.

Remember how I said that the Interrupt is an attention-grabbing, problem-based headline... and the Engage is a subheadline that promises the prospect a solution?

I then showed you a before and after example of a child psychologist's website where he applied the Conversion Equation and immediately began to dominate his profession.

Click here to review his two websites.

Here's my "insider tip" that will immediately enable you to write powerful and compelling headlines and subheadlines for your website as well as all of your future marketing and advertising.

When ANY prospect reads your ad or comes to your website, they have two things on their mind...

a problem they have and don't want
a solution they want and don't have

Let's analyze the child psychologist's prospects.

These are parents that have kids with severe emotional and behavioral problems.

These are kids that are a danger to themselves and to their parents.

These kids yell, scream, threaten, defy and so on.

These poor parents have lost complete control of these kids, and they're beside themselves with anguish and frustration.

Their home life is miserable, filled with constant and never-ending yelling and screaming. Their kid has a belligerent attitude, and these parents would give anything to restore peace and quiet in their home.

They have NO idea how to regain control of their situation, and when this situation finally becomes intolerable to the parent, that's when they begin to search for the child psychologist's help.

Now let's assume YOU are a child psychologist, and you want to attract these parents to come to you for help.

How do you write a powerful and compelling headline and subheadline that will Interrupt and Engage your prospects?

Well, just use my "insider tip."

What's the problem the parents have and don't want?

What's the solution they want and don't have?

Look at the headline on the child psychologist's website...

Are You Sick And Tired Of The Yelling, Screaming & Belligerent Attitude Of Your Child?

Is that the problem these parents have and don't want? Absolutely!

Now look at the subheadline...

Now You Can Discover The Secrets To Controlling Your Child And Instantly Restore Peace And Quiet In Your Home

Is that the result these parents want but don't have? Absolutely!

See how simple and easy this is?

Remember several weeks ago we discussed the PURPOSE of marketing, and I said there were two simple ways to remember the true purpose of marketing...

enter the conversation taking place in the head of your prospect.
or answer the number one question on your prospect's mind... at just the right time.

Does this headline / subheadline accomplish that? You bet!

Naturally this takes some practice, but let me make it even easier for you to do this yourself.

Over the many years I've been coaching business owners, I've developed my own arsenal of powerful and compelling headlines, subheadlines and offers that I refer to whenever I need to help one of my coaching clients create powerful marketing.

I would like to give you my current copy of this powerful tool that I call my Marketing Message Starter Kit.

Click here to download your copy and use it whenever you need to create market-dominating messages.

All you have to do is slightly revise the headlines you like the most so they fit your business.

If you have any problems using it, consider this.

Remember, to determine how likely your marketing is to convert, simply fill out my Conversion Equation Evaluator if you haven't already.

This evaluator has the unprecedented ability to predict the future success of any marketing collateral you develop... as well as predict whether that marketing will be profitable or not.

After calculating your marketing conversion level, I can show you exactly what to do with your website and marketing collateral that could double or triple the number of prospects who respond to your marketing.

Just schedule a complimentary meeting with me.

Talk to you next week.

Anthony Fairley

Anthony Fairley
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